Saturday, May 16, 2009


Let me tell you a little about Autism. Autism is a Spectrum Disorder, which means their are alot of different symptoms and behaviors. no two autistic kids are alike. 1 in 150 kids will get autism. boys are 4 x more likely to become autistic than girls. There are over one million people with autisim in the USA. Each has a variety of abilities and challenges. expressing emotions are hard, some think in pictures so they learn with visual helpers. Most have trouble making eye contact.They have alot of issues with their senses. seeing, they notice everything so its hard to concentrate. They have amplified hearing, the volume is set to high, thats why you see autistic kids covering their ears alot.Touch, they touch when they want, someones touch is sometimes an overload to their bodies. Smell, Their sense of smell is overwelming sometimes, where it can even make them sick. Taste, texture, look, taste all effect them. They may like something one day, but the next, forget it! It's hard for them to look you in the eye and listen at the same time.They can see what thaey want but can't get it out and they get frustrated. Autisim isn't a tradgedy, ignorance is. A couple sayings I like. stare if you must, I'm not paying attention anyway. Non verbal not dumb. staring won't cure my autisim. disipline doesn't cure autisim. walk a mile in my shoes, or my moms or my sisters.

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