Friday, August 26, 2011


Dilly's Place is in the pepsi grant
Please vote for us, save yellow pepsi lids and codes from 12-24 boxes located inside. Only a few more days.Build a playground "Where EVERY kid can be a kid". - Pepsi Refresh Project
Another refreshing idea to support the community & make a difference - Pepsi Refresh Project

Text 10792 to 73774(as the message)


Dylan is in a pretty good place right now, other than non verbal, meltdowns, messy, and sometimes potty trained. He is a joy to be around when he is laughing and playing with his family. when he is anywhere that has water play and when he is cuddly.. God is Good. I took the following from a blog of a family with an autistic son.(The lesson he teaches us in how when it comes to God, we should always expect the unexpected! We should always expect to find miracles in the darkest valley. Peace among chaos. Beauty in the sometimes ugliness of life). Prayers said every day that we can help Dylan and make his life easier.

Monday, June 20, 2011


I think Dylan came into our lives at a time when we all needed to know what was important in life. Faith, Health, Family. We would never have appriciated the simple things in life as much, a quite day, a simple hug, laughter from a child, enough patience for the day, family.. Our family has become very close. We know that we can reliy on each other and sometimes you need to give in order to receive. Life hasn't been easy for the past 11 years on Crystal, Dylan and Chloe. Crystal just got married to a wonderful man who thinks of Dylan as his son. So many divorces come when there is a disabled child involved. Travis seems like the kind of man who can handle just about anything and be a good partner for Crystal and a great dad for Dylan and Chloe. A new chapter in The Hinnen-Henderson family has begun.

Thursday, May 12, 2011


Dilly's Place is up for 50k pepsi grant. please go to Vote for dillys place.

Also please save the specialty marked bottle caps for the code(POWER CODE) You can vote for Dilly's place with these or else let us do it. We can get up to 100 votes off of each code. Also specially marked boxes on pepsi products. There is a code. Thanks!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Here's a new easy way to raise money for your favorite cause. Just start using Yahoo! powered as your search engine and they'll donate about a penny to your favorite cause every time you do a search!

In addition, do all of your shopping through their online shopping mall,, where you can shop at more than 900 top online retailers and a percentage of your purchases will go to the charity or school of your choice. You pay the same price as you normally would, but a donation goes to your cause!

Here's the web site — You can also read about GoodSearch in the NY Times, Oprah Magazine, CNN, ABC News and the Wall Street Journal.